A day “with” Hubs

So, yesterday was an interesting day for me.

First, I had to fast all Tuesday night and yesterday morning because I was going to have some blood drawn Wednesday morning for my lab work (for health insurance purposes).

This meant I woke up all cranky and hungry.

(Aka: Hangry)

But it was also sort of a fun day because I got to ride into work with Hubs and spend the day with him.

Sort of.

I mean, we rode into work together, I went to do my labs while he went to work. Then I ran a few errands and chilled at a nearby Panera for awhile until it was time to go get him and go to lunch.

We had our first ever weekday lunch date out.

(Once last year, I brought a sack lunch and we ate at Hubs’ desk together but this was different.)

It was super yummy as we went to Smokin’ Guns BBQ. (My first time going there, but not for Hubs. He’s been telling me how awesome it was since the first time he went there almost 2 years ago.)

And then I took him back to work and headed to a nearby library where I sat and chilled and worked on some writing assignments until it was time to pick him up again at 3:45 so we could drive to another work campus because he had a meeting there.

And then I sat in the cafeteria of that building while he went to his meeting until he came back out to get me, when we left, headed to Panera for some dinner, and then to a friend’s house to watch Sporting KC beat the New York Red Bulls.

All in all, it was a fun day, considering I interacted with all sorts of people and I usually don’t talk to anyone all day except through email, or maybe my mom on the phone. Plus, I got to eat at Panera twice. All for about $2, thanks to their rewards program and a gift card I had leftover from my birthday.

But I think the thing I noticed most about the day we spent “together” was how fast it went. Yes, it was kind of broken up into sections, but even the long chunks of time I had to myself to spend writing seemed to fly by.

Hubs agreed.

So now I’m wondering if it was just because the day was something out of our normal routine or if seeing each other in the middle of the day for lunch can really have that much of an impact of how the long middle-of-the-week-workday can drag on. And on. and on.

Like today, for instance.

Because it has taken forever to reach 5:00pm today.


It’s only 2:30?

WHAT? How is that possible?

See what I mean?

Well, now it’s your turn. What makes your days go by faster? Have you ever snuck a lunch date into a busy week to make things go by faster? 

Categories: Adventures | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “A day “with” Hubs

  1. John

    I rarely if ever did it but My secretery and her husband both worked for us. They had all kinds of things to look forward to like donuts on Friday, Mcdonalds on Wednesday morning, A special lunch from with leftovers from the restaurant they ate at the night before before they went to the movies. I would make fun of them as their special goodies days were mapped out but I do get it.

    • I love that! It makes it seem like you are having lots of little mini “dates!” I guess in your case it would be much more difficult to do anything during the work day as you have worked so far away from home. Anyway, I’m sure we won’t do it often either, but it’s a nice treat when it works out, I guess.

  2. I have to keep my brain busy to keep from going nuts on slow days at work. Today is one of them. (Yes I’m posting this from on the job. :P) I like to take lunch on Thursdays to just hang out and talk with my fiance, it’s really nice to look forward to something like that during the week.

    • That’s great that you have that to look forward to! I’d love a weekly lunch date like that. Hats off to you guys for taking the time to make that work each week as something special to do together.

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