Daily Archives: October 2, 2011

Lesson # 8: How to fix a tire (So much for a restful Sunday)

After so many weekends away from home, Wyatt and I planned to spend this one just relaxing. We had waffles for breakfast and were going to just chill out all afternoon. It sounded so nice. And in theory, it was.

Our yummy waffles for breakfast. We each had one regular one and we split a chocolate chip one for "dessert."

In reality though, at about 4:00, we decided to go to the car wash to wash Wyatt’s car. At this point, we remembered that, despite just buying four brand new tires two weeks earlier, we’d had a flat tire yesterday morning. We had aired it up and made it all the way home to KC, thinking we’d check it again if it got low again.

And it was all the way flat when we went downstairs to leave for the car wash.


So Wyatt got to work to get it off the car. His jack makes this job a lot easier, and I am a firm believer that everyone should have a jack like that. And then he carried the up the stairs to look at it. (I rolled it up the first flight “to help” but he got impatient of that so he just carried it the rest of the way.) And when we discovered the culprit, a screw, we headed to Walmart to get a tire repair kit. And then home again to begin the process.

Our bathroom, all prepped for "tire repair."

At this point, my job was to stay out of the way and open up the glue and hand Wyatt tools. (Yea, yea, I know, he didn’t really need me, but it made me feel better than to just to sit on the couch and watch TV, right? What else is a wife supposed to do at a time like this?)

The root of the problem.

How frustrating. A 2 inch screw. Shoved all the way into our BRAND NEW TIRE. Grrr…. But we were now ready to begin the actual repair work.

The contents of the “deluxe” tire repair kit from Wal-mart.

 It didn’t take very long for him to get the plug in there. And then we were off, back down the three flights of stairs to air up the tire and see if it was leaking. Checking to see if the plug leaked. Using soapy water is the way to do this. (It is also the way to check for a leak in your gas line, in case you didn’t know that.)

It didn’t leak, so he put the tire back on and we headed out to find a car wash. Which we didn’t find. So we just cleaned the inside and out with our car cleaning kit (windows and dashboard wipes) and called it a day. 


And now we’re having margaritas and watching pumpkin carving shows on TV.

So it isn’t a complete loss.


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Did you just lick me?

Last night after a long day of work back in Sedalia, Wyatt and I headed home to our cozy little apartment in KC. We were tired and sore and, did I say tired?

So we settled down on the couch to eat some ice cream and watch TV. At some point in the night, there might have been a little kissing action.

A little later, I turned my head towards him and felt something slobbery on my forehead.

“Did you just lick me?”



(His side of the story is that his tongue happened to be out and I turned into it. I’m not sure I buy it, but either way, it got me thinking.)

Because after as many kisses as we’ve shared, does it really matter if I get slobber on me?

Probably not.

But that doesn’t mean I’m just going to let him lick me.

So I was the appropriate amount of annoyed for the appropriate amount of time (a tiny little bit for less than a couple of minutes) and we moved on to more important things. Like going to bed.

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