Confessions of a Bad Housewife…or rather, a happy one

I try to be pretty positive overall, but sometimes, I just need to get my complaints out in the open so I can move on.

So, in order to satisfy both my need to whine a little and my desire to be happy and joyful in all circumstances, I’m going to list pairs of both bad AND good stuff for you guys this Monday morning. We’ll consider it an exercise in finding the silver lining of any situation.

1. I do so much laundry! I’m unsure how a household of only two people can make this much dirty laundry! What will it be like when we have kids? It’s a good thing we (and by that I mean, “I”) have so many clothes because it means I don’t have to wash everything as often. Wyatt runs out of stuff so fast I have to keep washing and washing and washing…

That's a mountain of laundry for me to fold. Good grief!

The good part of this complaint? Well, I actually like to do laundry. I mean, I wouldn’t pick that over fun stuff like playing games or date nights or sleeping in, but as far as household chores go, it’s not a bad deal. I like things that show immediate progress, and I like how fast I can empty our hamper with just a few loads. Folding is the worst part because I don’t like turning clothes right-side out. I’m working on having Wyatt turn his before they go in the hamper, but even I sometimes don’t mess with turning sweaty workout clothes right side out. Anyway, I also like laundry because it smells nice (when it’s done) and it’s warm. I wish I could curl up in laundry fresh from the dryer and take a nap.

2. Cleaning the kitchen is a never-ending job. I don’t know how it gets so messy so fast.

Actually, I do. It’s because I cook a lot and our kitchen is tiny. And yes, we have a dishwasher, which is great, but it doesn’t really work that well. We end up having to pre-wash everything anyway, and still not everything comes clean, especially silverware…and plates…and cups.

Yes, apparently today I am baring all to show you my messy kitchen.

But the good part of a messy kitchen? It means we ate well, we have good food, and a place to cook. I love to cook and bake and cleaning the kitchen is sort of calming (when I’m not in a hurry to make the next meal or wash a dish so I can keep working on whatever meal I’m currently fixing) and I actually don’t mind washing dishes. I wish we had better scrubbing brushes (we are using cheap sponges that we wash all the time in our washing machine so they are starting to fall apart).

3. It’s too early (Wyatt says) to decorate our apartment for Christmas. And he’s right. But I’m impatient. I wish I had money to go buy a lot of new beautiful things or even supplies to make things, but I think it’s more important that we save right now, especially with the holidays coming up.

But the blessing of this? I decorated for Thanksgiving. Sort of, as much as I can for relatively free.

Fruit in our cool bowl from the in-laws and pumpkins, free from my grandma's garden.

Not super creative, but I don’t have anything else, and these were free (except the apples…)

What I did spend my money on, decor-wise.

It’s a free design from eighteen25, a cool blog I found on Pinterest. Speaking of that? Do you follow me?

I just bought a cheap wood frame from Walmart for $4 and painted it white with leftover paint from our wedding DIY projects. And the candlestick? It was a prop for my Miss Scarlet costume that Hubs spray painted white for me.

And the bird? He’s our (my) love bird. I found him at a local garage sale one day when I was running in the neighborhood by our apartment. He’s exactly what I wanted. I know he isn’t fall-themed, but I still like him and didn’t want to remove him from his roost.

4. Wyatt forgot his lunch. Again.


Not only do I feel bad for not noticing until after he left, but it means he has to buy his lunch today when we have this perfectly good one here at home.

But the hidden silver lining? I will have this one ready tomorrow morning already. And he doesn’t mind buying lunch, he actually likes that better I think.

5. I had to put the spider traps back down today since I forgot to have Wyatt do it. Touching those things gives me the creeps? Why? Because they both have like 5 dead poisonous spiders in them!

There's 5 or so dead spiders "living" under our hamper...but don't worry, when we have guests, we hide them away.

But the good part is that I haven’t seen any new spiders in there or anywhere for months. Though I did kill a wasp in our bathtub the other day. Ick.

6. This is my coffee table at it’s current state.

See that stack of bills and other mail to take care of? Oh joy.

But that’s okay, because my Husband is off at work today to earn the money to pay those bills, and you know what? I opened my first check from freelancing today. So, yes, I am blessed today to pay these bills, because for the first time in a long time, I have income.

(“But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19)

And while we’re talking money, you know what else? I fed Mr. Giraffe E. Pig seventeen cents a couple of days ago. And a twenty-five cents the day after that.


This is Mr. Giraffe E. Pig. I like to feed him pennies, but he prefers quarters, of course.

Saving cents is one of my favorite pastimes.

So there’s my list for the day. I’m feeling better all ready. Because yes, I got out my Monday morning grumps, but I also took the time to look past the problems and see some good stuff, because let’s face it, there’s always more good stuff if you choose to find it, right?

And what’s even better? As I was sitting at home this morning, I realized what a blessing it is that I can stay here and take care of our home. I have the blessing of not doing laundry on the weekends if I don’t want to, because I can do it on Monday. And I don’t have to do dishes on Sunday nights if I don’t want to, because they’ll be there in the morning and I’d rather spend Sunday nights on the couch cuddling with my Hubs.

Yes, it’s been hard to figure out how to redefine my place in the world with no job, but I’m getting there, and every day brings new possibilities, whether it’s volunteer work, or a freelancing job. And I’m trusting in the sovereignty of the Master’s plan.

What about you? What are you seeing the silver lining in today? Any housekeeping confessions you’d like to share to make me feel better about my mess this morning?

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6 thoughts on “Confessions of a Bad Housewife…or rather, a happy one

  1. mom

    Welcome to my world….

  2. I can totally relate to you on the laundry and dishes. I feel like you were writing what was in my brain the whole first year of marriage. I could NOT believe we went through so much clothing. My husband doesn’t have a lot either…what is it with guys??? So, it’s an almost daily task. And I HATE turning clothes right-side out. I think it’s laziness for me, but it does kind of drive me crazy. I love laundry (out of all the household chores, for all the reasons you gave) but I tend to save up all the folding until it HAS to be done!

    Congrats on your first freelancing check!! Woo-hoo! 😉

    • I know. I shouldn’t do this, but I tend to do a whole ton of laundry and save all the folding until the end…usually right about the time I need to start dinner and get ready for Wyatt to come home. Then it’s a mad scramble to get it all put away. Good grief.

      And thanks! I’m happy to have something to contribute to our family finances, and especially since it’s from something I so enjoy doing!

  3. Pingback: 10 Things My Kitchen Will Tell You « the newlywed wife

  4. Pingback: In a Thanksgiving State of Mind « the newlywed wife

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