Daily Archives: August 27, 2012

Baby Fever…or not

Well guys, it’s that time.

No, not time for chocolate cake in the middle of the day.

Though I wish it was that time.

And no, not time to start my Christmas shopping.

It’s also not the time to tell you about my secret pet peeve of people spelling “gray” as “grey.”

It’s the time that all my friends and family who got married about the same time as Wyatt and I start having babies.


It’s like we all have baby fever.

Except that I don’t.

I mean, I’m super excited for all of their babies to come.

But I’m not ready yet.

Although, I guess, who’s ever really ready, huh?

Anyway, I’m just happy with Hubs right now. We have enough trouble trying to keep on track to work on stuff around our house, figure out how to avoid having the same fights all the time, learn how to balance a budget and visit all the friends and family that we wish we could see more often.

Throw a baby in there and all that stuff that seemed hard before now seems nearly impossible.

I mean, I want a baby. I really am excited for that time in our lives. And I know that every time I see a baby or hold a baby or buy a present for a friend’s baby, I tell Hubs how much I really and truly do want a baby. But then, he looks at me with that look that says, we’ve been through this, and I just give up, because I know he’s right.

It’s like I just sway back and forth between really really wanting a baby and really really freaking out at how weird/hard/scary/expensive it would be to have one.

And like the great man he is, Hubs just calmly stays quiet, gently pulling me away when I stop to swoon over a pair of teeny tiny baby shoes or plan what color I want the nursery.

Did your uterus just skip a beat? Mine did.

Don’t you want to have a baby just to have this in your house?

And this?

But he’s gentle and firm as he says, “not yet,” to me every time I get ahead of myself.

What a good man he is!

(But I knew that already.)

What about you? Are you baby-crazy, too?


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