Posts Tagged With: sleeping

Feeling Crummy

Before you stop reading, this isn’t one of those posts that revolve around me working through feelings of grumpiness and pouting.

I just don’t feel well.


And my day started out so well!

I got up, made Hubs breakfast, and his lunch, then I got him out the door and I settled into my breakfast, household chores, catching up on emails and some other tasks. Then I went for a run. And it was glorious. The weather is AMAZING and the sun bright and cheerful.

I did close to 3 and a half miles today and would have done more but my ears were getting cold and I was starting to get tired and didn’t want to push it that much since I didn’t run all weekend or most of last week. (I did run Friday, but it was a short, fast run, a little less than 2 miles.)

But the minute I stopped running when I got back to our apartment complex, it hit me.


I wasn’t sure I’d make it back upstairs, but I did, and luckily, I got through my shower and managed to get some lunch down.

But now I’m on the couch, sprawled out with a headache and a stomach that just doesn’t feel right. Oh and the sun seems to have joined me in my crumminess, as it’s now cloudy and gray.

I had high hopes and big plans for dinner tonight, too. Dang.

And for after dinner. I had a whole night of crafting and cocoa all lined up.

I don’t like to take naps during the day because it makes me less tired at night (which causes problems I talked about here) and I feel like I’m wasting time, but it’s time to close my eyes…just for minute…

Categories: Everyday Life | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

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